Digitisation in the area of existing real estate

April 5, 2019: Virtual walk through the “Open-Space-Büro” in Viersen district

Virtueller Rundgang durch Open-Space-Büro, Kreis Viersen

Digitisation in the area of existing real estate creates the basis for simplification and comprehensibility of the actual conditions.

In this way, projects can be discussed digitally, regardless of their location, and an impression of their own can be gained. For this purpose, PLANxD, in cooperation with NUCE Consulting, has photogrammetrically digitized the offices in the Viersen district.

On the basis of this building scanning, the lived principles of circular value creation are now also digitally visible in Viersen County Hall. The building management department has created a new working environment whose concept is based both on the principles of sustainability and resource conservation and on comprehensive digitization. The “open-space office” offers the employees of the building management a working environment with recycled, natural and technologically most modern equipment features. The open office structure promotes more communicative, effective and efficient collaboration.

Experience the virtual tour yourself under the following link: